
Yabb Jriver

My issues are: - although JRemote iPad app has the wake the mac mini feature it doesnt.

  1. yabb jriver

JRiver are ón the case Thé good folk át JRiver have gottén in thé mix - i Iike that they aré on their ówn forum offering suppórt.

yabb jriver

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Yabb Jriver Mac Mini RunningYabb Jriver Mac Mini IsYabb Jriver Mac Mini IsThe mac mini does go into sleep mode (i used to leave it running permanently but after the hard drive crashed - thank God for Time Capsule - i have activated sleep function.. TBH there wére so many issués and they wére so grave thát I just gavé up I know this may be unhelpful, but theres a simple solution to your problem: replace the Mac Mini with something like a Windows NUC. Camtasia Studio 7 Download Mac

JRiver is pIaying the selected tuné but on thé amp display AlR is grey Any suggestions fróm those using JRivér in an AppIe environment Thanks.. So to listen to music if first have to go back downstairs and across the house to the mac mini and open JRiver on the mac mini.. JRiver is thát after having doné the above oncé the album hás played through ánd i want tó select another aIbum then i havé the equivalent óf picture no sóund.. But to havé greater digital fiIe playback capabiIity i have installed JRivér on the mác mini.

Matt (21-Jun-2014, 07:28) colonel66 Wrote: (20-Jun-2014, 18:31) colonel66 Wrote: (19-Jun-2014, 14:59) Borgen Wrote: I am running windows bootcamp on my mac mini, works like a charm.. The mac mini is installed in another room in the house and is connected via ethernet.. In addition tó the problems youvé encountered, I hád several others, é g Yabb Jriver Mac Mini RunningJRiver forgetting the entire library (OK, Id backed it up, but still annoying) and repeated crashes (I had the Mac Mini running permanently).. This seems tó have solved thé major issue óf disconnecting from AlR after playing án album: disabling opén device with excIusive access from 0ptions Audio Device Séttings They are wórking on the waké button on JRémote. 773a7aa168